A Notice is Issued to Prohibit This Behavior! in Danxia Mountain


In recent years, there have been many cases of "travel fans" illegally entering the reserve to carry out outdoor activities such as hiking, resulting in the loss of people, accidental deaths, and forest fires. In order to effectively safeguard the safety of people's lives and property, effectively protect the ecological environment and natural resources, and eliminate hidden dangers of forest fires, according to the Regulations of the People's Republic of China on Nature Reserves, the Regulations on Scenic Spots, the Regulations on the Protection and Management of Danxia Mountain in Guangdong Province, and the Regulations on the Management of Fire Use in the Field of Shaoguan City. The relevant matters are hereby notified as follows:


1. No one is allowed to enter the core area of Danxia Mountain National Nature Reserve. The second item of Article 34 of the Regulations of the People's Republic of China on Nature Reserves stipulates that anyone who enters a nature reserve without approval or disobeys the management of the administrative organ in the nature reserve shall be ordered to make corrections by the administrative organ of the nature reserve, and may be fined not less than 100 yuan but not more than 5000 yuan according to different circumstances. In accordance with Article 1176 of the Civil Code of the People's Republic of China, the victim shall not request other participants to bear tort liability if he voluntarily participates in cultural and sports activities with certain risks and suffers damage due to the acts of other participants; However, other participants who have intentional or gross negligence in the occurrence of the damage shall be excluded. "The liability of the organizer of the event is governed by the provisions of Articles 1198 to 1201 of this Code." According to the relevant regulations, the hikers who enter the reserve without authorization are willing to take risks.


2. It is forbidden for any unit or individual to carry out tourism and production and operation activities in the buffer zone of Danxia Mountain National Nature Reserve. Once verified, those who violate the regulations will be severely punished in accordance with relevant laws, regulations and policies, and those who constitute crimes will be investigated for criminal responsibility according to law.


3. Because of the need of scientific research, it is necessary to enter the core area to do scientific research, observation and investigation activities, applications and activity plans shall be submitted to the administrative agencies of nature reserves in advance and approved by the administrative agencies of nature reserves; Among them, those who enter the core areas of national nature reserves shall be approved by the relevant administrative departments of nature reserves of the Provincial People's Government.


4.For the purpose of teaching and scientific research, theres a need to enter the nature reserve and the buffer zone to engage in non-destructive scientific research, teaching practice and specimen collection activities, it shall submit an application and activity plan to the administrative organ of the nature reserve in advance, which shall be approved by the administrative organ of the nature reserve.


Supervisory and reporting telephone:

Shaoguan Danxia Mountain Management Committee: 0751-6296988, 6296388


Functional Zoning Map of Danxia Mountain National Nature Reserve


February 2023


Zoning Map of Danxia Mountain National Nature Reserve