Two Agricultural Products First Export to EU

As an important agricultural city in our Province, Shaoguan is rich in agricultural products, including fruits and vegetables, among which the export volume of special agricultural products such as Shatian pomelo, water chestnut, taro and citrus is increasing year by year. In recent years, the export market of Shaoguan's characteristic agricultural products has gradually expanded. In addition to the traditional Asian market, it has also begun to enter emerging markets such as Europe and the United States. For example, Shaozhou's sweet potatoes and corn have recently been exported to the European Union, and their quality has been recognized by the international market.


With the increasing openness of Shaoguan's agricultural market, the recent first export of sweet potatoes to the European Union marks the acceleration of the internationalization of Shaoguan's agricultural market and the improvement of market openness: because exports to the European Union need to meet strict quality and standards of agricultural products, this will promote Shaoguan's agricultural market to pay more attention to the quality and production standards of agricultural products. It will also promote the development of agricultural industry chain such as planting, processing and logistics, and bring new economic growth points to Shaoguan agricultural market.


The EU has always had strict standards for the import of agricultural products, and as a new type of agricultural products, the prospects of sweet potatoes in the EU market will be directly regulated by the EU import policy.



On June 22, Shaoguan Distribution Center for Vegetable Basket Products in Dawan District of Guangdong, Hong Kong and Macao exported a truck of sweet potatoes and corn to the European Union. In this export, Shaoguan Customs provided one-stop service, improved export efficiency, and provided professional training and guidance for the relevant policies and requirements of sweet potato export to the European Union.Ensure export compliance.


In this export plan, Guangdong Yabei Agricultural By-products Co., Ltd. has tailored a set of export strategies according to the characteristics of Shaozhou sweet potatoes and the needs of the EU market, aiming at improving the competitiveness and market share of products; In order to meet the food safety standards of the European Union, the quality of sweet potatoes was strictly controlled, and the packaging design of products was optimized to enhance the added value and attractiveness of products. Through multi-channel marketing and cooperation with local distributors, the sales channels of Shaozhou sweet potatoes in the European Union market were successfully expanded, and the visibility and sales of products were improved.

In order to help enterprises develop international markets, the Municipal Commerce Bureau has encouraged and supported enterprises to participate in various international exhibitions at home and abroad for many times, so that Shaoguan agricultural products continue to appear on various international stages.The Municipal Agricultural and Rural Bureau encourages and supports enterprises to dare to innovate and take on responsibilities, and urges enterprises to do a good job in standardized management of planting and product quality control.


Shaozhou sweet potato is rich in dietary fiber, vitamins and trace elements, which is a high-quality health food raw material and meets the needs of modern people in pursuit of healthy diet. European consumers have specific preferences for food taste, color, shape, etc., and Shaozhou sweet potatoes need to adapt and meet these needs, while actively promoting the health benefits of sweet potatoes and improving market acceptance; in the face of strict export standards and certification requirements of the European Union, Shaozhou sweet potatoes need to pass complex quality testing and safety assessment to ensure that products meet international regulations; At the same time, in the process of long-distance transportation and storage, Shaozhou sweet potato may face the problem of quality decline, so it is necessary to formulate effective preservation and transportation strategies to ensure the freshness and quality of export products.


The first export of Shaozhou sweet potato to the European Union indicates that its quality has been internationally recognized and has great potential for development in the international market in the future. This not only broadens the sales channels of agricultural products, but also helps to enhance the competitiveness and influence of the agricultural market in Shaoguan. Export to the European Union has strict requirements on the quality of agricultural products, which will promote Shaoguan agriculture to upgrade technology in planting, processing and other links, improve product quality and meet international market demand. Successful export to the European Union will drive up the price of sweet potatoes, directly increase the income of farmers, help improve the quality of life of farmers, and stimulate their enthusiasm for planting.The total amount of Shaozhou sweet potato exported to the European Union reached 11 tons, which is expected to continue to grow in the coming months, showing a strong market potential. This export will also enhance the brand image and popularity of local sweet potatoes, promote the further development and upgrading of the sweet potato industry, and is of great significance to enhance the competitiveness of the entire sweet potato industry.