"Blueberry of Yunfeng Mountain" of Fruits of May

Early summer comes quietly, touching a tree of blueberry flowers, waking up a blueberry fruit, they are like small lanterns among the branches, waiting for you to enjoy the "berry" good time in the breeze.



Yunfengshan Blueberry Production Base of Nanxiong is the largest blueberry orchard with the most varieties in South China, with an altitude of more than 700 meters. It has an alpine climate, sandy loam soil and good water permeability. The blueberries planted are big and full, delicate and tender, sweet and sour.



The blueberry planting base covers an area of more than 700 mu, planting seven varieties of blueberries, such as Jewelry, Emerald, Misty and Lexi, and the picking period lasts from early May to mid-July.