Shaoguan high-standard farmland construction continued to rank first in the province

Recently, the Department of Agriculture and Rural Affairs of Guangdong province issued a Notice on the Evaluation Results of High-standard Farmland Construction in 2021. Shaoguan made  remarkable achievement in the area and ranked the first among the 21 cities in the province. Shaoguans high standard farmland construction work has been in the forefront of the province for three consecutive years, with two consecutive years ranking first place in the province.


Promoting the development of high-standard farmland is the "ballast stone" for national food security. In recent years, Shaoguan has earnestly carried out the national food crop production strategy based on farmland management and technological application. Centering on the implementation of the rural revitalization strategy, multiple measures have been taken to effectively promote the construction of high-standard farmland. Shaoguans high-standard farmland construction deserves to be No. 1 in the province.


"We have carried out high-standard farmland construction to improve a large number of small farmland with medium and low yields, so to ensure its stable and high yields despite drought or excessive rain. In 2019, Shaoguan city ranked first among mountainous cities in the province and won the incentive fund of 23.06 million yuan from the central government, contributing to Guangdong Province being awarded the first prize in high-standard farmland construction by State Council. In 2020 and 2021, it ranked first among 21 cities in the province for two consecutive years. For three consecutive years, the provincial Department of Agriculture and Rural Affairs sent a letter of thanks to the municipal government for its work on the high-standard farmland construction." a staff member of the municipal Bureau of Agriculture and Rural Affairs told the reporter. By 2021, the city has built a total of 2.04 million acres of high standard farmland, with an increase of grain production of more than 110,000 tons. The per capita income of farmers increased by 169.71 yuan in 2021.

High-standard farmland in Dongtang town, Renhua county


Shaoguan city has been at the forefront of high standard farmland construction and soil acidification treatment in the province. Its experience of high standard farmland construction was praised by the provincial Department of Agriculture and Rural Affairs. In 2019, Shaoguans experience of high standard farmland construction was forwarded to the province's other cities as a reference. By the end of 2020, problems carried over from the past regarding farmland treatment before 2018 have been fully resolved. There are 10 demonstration counties of soil acidification control in the province, while Shaoguan has 4 counties being awarded as demonstration units. Since 2020, the central government has been providing  financial support to Shaoguan, and the financial support will be given for 5 consecutive years.